2021 Whiskey & Wishes Gala
On Saturday, September 25, WISH for OUR HEROES (W4OH), will host its’ seventh-annual Whiskey & Wishes Heroes Gala, in conjunction with local celebrities and military heroes. Follow this link…
On Saturday, September 25, WISH for OUR HEROES (W4OH), will host its’ seventh-annual Whiskey & Wishes Heroes Gala, in conjunction with local celebrities and military heroes. Follow this link…
The coronavirus crisis has brought out the worst and best in humanity. We want to share a shining example of the best. A new program is providing meals to veterans.…
WISH For OUR HEROES is proud to announce the launch of our new Military Wish Society, an exclusive membership that works together to make a difference in our active duty…
SAN ANTONIO – People and organizations around Texas are helping out people and communities affected by Harvey — one local military family is doing their part. “This is good stuff,…
Get up-to-the-minute updates on our relief efforts in Texas via our Facebook page: facebook.com/WishForOurHeroesInc
We teamed up with volunteers with Jefferson Bank to a repair the Converse home of a hero and survivor of the 2014 Ft. Hood shooting. Army First Lieutenant John Arroyo Jr.’s…
News4SanAntonio featured Wish for Our Heroes on May 2nd, 2016 to discuss how the organization has been able to help active military families in need.
In honor of Veteran’s Day, Wish for Our Heroes is pleased to announce the 4th annual RIDE TEXAS, which has become a 6-day, 586-mile cycling endurance event, that raises funds for Texas members of the United States Armed Forces.
Cycling Marathon to Challenge Riders Nearly 600 Miles in 6 Days
Warriors on Wheels Arrive in Corpus Christi After Seven-Day Ride. More than 20 Warriors on Wheels have made their way to the Coastal Bend after riding for six days, coming all the way from Wichita Falls.
The Warriors on Wheels Ride 2013, a group of cyclists that include veterans and wounded service members, met this morning with State Attorney General Greg Abbott In from of the Texas capitol in Austin.
As the team departed Austin on Friday, they were encouraged by the following video message from none other than Austin native, Lance Armstrong .
Today we begin a remarkable journey. A journey with 24 riders (cyclists) across the state of Texas all for one purpose. To raise money for Texas heroes in need. Check out wounded warrior Charlie Lemon who has sacrificed so much for his country already. As if riding 500 miles isn’t difficult enough, Charlie is riding 500 miles with his ARMS!!